So you have been taking your meds for 10+ years and still have the exact same condition that you started with and maybe a few more have been added on during that period!
Did you ever wonder why those pills you pop diligently or injection you take religiously still haven’t CURED the condition which was the initial diagnosis-maybe thyroid, diabetes, blood pressure, anxiety, depression, vitamin deficiency, osteoporosis, arthritis, autoimmune conditions, allergies, etc?!
Have you checked the side effect of those meds to see if any of the following conditions you “acquired” were caused by the initial “fix”?!
It always amazes me how people seem happy to keep buying, consuming things for a health issue but do not actually expect that problem to be solved, to be fixed!
When a client reached out last year with an eye condition called Macular Degeneration, my research showed that this rare autoimmune condition is progressive and degenerative with no known cure or cause!
Actually most of autoimmune conditions are IDIOPATHIC-as in no cause is known and no cure is available!
After 3 sessions the client reported the eyesight was almost restored and afetr she left a review, I was inundated with requests from all over the world with people suffering form this supposedly rare condition!
I was perplexed! I don’t advertise and as a single small business owner have limited reach so how come so many people with this rare issue had found me?!
I went to bed meditating upon this!
Answer came to look up “Blood Pressure med side effect” and lo, behold there it was!
Listed right there was that long term use of these meds can cause Macular Degeneration!
My approach is to go to root and it seems here the root cause is dilation caused by the blood pressure medication which effects the finest blood vessels in eyes first!
But what does it do to the rest of the body?! What do all the other meds we take daily do to our bodies?!
Our wonderful amazing body which is a complex, interconnected system of synchronised systems that work intricately to enable us to live our lives!!
So when one part of this fine tuned system is repeatedly suppressed/blocked/“tweaked” while the original problem remains, what damage is caused too other parts of our systems?!
If you or someone you love is questioning why, worried about long term effects of medications and is looking for a proper fix from the root, please reach out I am here to serve!!