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Writer's pictureKajal Thaker

BLood pressure and loss of eyesight

Reason my work is so powerful is because I work with my client!

I do not presume I know better then them or take charge without discussing things with them!

Everyone had FREE WILL! And I honour that!

When a client comes in with an issue, I tell them what I see, I educate them on the root cause and convey what their body is saying!

Sometimes they agree, sometimes they do not and I respect that!


In this case the reason for the client's visual impairment was regular medication she had been on for 27 years!

All through those years she diligently took her blood pressure tablets but she was still classified as High BP patient!She was still NOT CURED!

I could see the reason for why her body reacted and what it was

trying to say all those years ago but the client was unwilling to hear!

Her son was a medical professional and she firmly believed she had to take the tablets for rest of her life-even if they did not make her better, even if they caused dilation of minute blood vessels in her eyes causing this supposedly rare autoimmune condition for which doctors know no cause!

I have helped multiple clients with this issue, helped them identify what exactly caused it and cleared the trauma/emotion/belief that resulted in that initial spike in blood pressure! That actually created the symptom that led them to seek medical help all those years ago!

So what I did to help this client was keep clearing the side effect of the medication and lo, behold just by listening to that healing her eyesight stabilised and she no longer needed to take those painful steroid injections in her eyes!

And after this 8 months when she was finally ready I shared with her what had caused her BP to rise and when she is ready I will clear the trauma for her, ending her dependency on the medication that is known to cause many side effects that we mistakenly attribute to old age-memory loss, kidney damage, dizziness, impotence, high sugar levels, gout, depression, insomnia, stomach upsets and more!

If you or someone you love is ready to end their dependency and are done with treating side effects on one medications with many others, please reach out! I am here to serve!


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