Co vid and Long Co vid -for two years all people could do was live in fear as no medical help was available!
All that fear has weakened people's immune system and a positive test often creates a Trauma, followed by post traumatic stress when symptoms lingered!
I have been working with such clients across the world for over two years and luckily each of my client recovered within 1-3 days!!
I have helped strengthen immune system of clients who were travelling, working in situations where they were constantly exposed, clients who ----were breathless and unable to move due to weakness ----had high fever and sore throat ----had severe nausea or headache and no other symptoms ----had co morbidities and were convinced they would die ----suffered from loss of taste and smell ----were in digestive distress, stomach pain or loss of appetite ----had severe body pains and aches ----couldn't shake their lingering cough or constant sore throat ----could not get medical help or go to hospitals that were overflowing
I have also been working with lots of clients adversely affected by the only proposed defense against c vid as well-once again with variety of symptoms from anxiety to aggression to heart palpitations to paralysis to hormonal issues to chronic fatigue to sudden allergies to relapse or sudden emergence of multiple health issues!
My approach is multi layered-working not just with individual physical symptoms but also mental, emotional and spiritual aspect of any "dis-ease"! It does not require you to go out and source any herbs or supplements or remedies or take long term vitamins or do any expensive, intrusive tests!!
You do not even need to drive down and get someone to bring you to me!!
I do not need to see you or take a long history or have long discussion with you!
All I need is you permission to connect to your energy and I can clear what needs gone so you body can heal! As I did with this lovely client from Estonia!!
If you or someone you know needs help with your immunity or lingering symptoms, please reach out I am here to serve!!