A healthy happy man, busy with work and family! Just 52 years old!
In last 2.5 years he has lost immense amount of weight, his ability to speak coherently and most worryingly his sense of balance!
Constant dizziness and falling over while standing, even when supported, has been terrifying for him and his family!
Consultation with neurosurgeons, specialists and experts has been more confusing than helpful-first Parkinson, then PHP and finally nothing can be done except watch the decline! Still medications were prescribed and dutifully taken!
They tried herbs, acupressure, naturopathy and other alternative means! They did insane amount of expensive and intrusive tests and bought and consumed heaps of vitamins and supplements!
Decline continued and since he could not work, finances were being drained!
When I did a phone session with this client who lives interstate, his wife had to translate all he was saying as he speaks without clarity and words sound garbled! There was a hissing, crying tone to his speech masking his words making them unintelligible!
He was deeply frustrated at his sudden inabilties! He felt like a prisoner inside his body watching his deterioration!
Straightaway I picked up his loss of balance was side effect of medication he was on! When checked that was confirmed! Yes that symptom had come later and for that more medication was given which again had the same side effect-claiming to cure the condition while causing it as well!
I cleared the medication from his system along with 2 shots of experimental substance he was forced to take to keep his job!
Ironically he had lost the job when he lost his ability to stand and speak!
The change in him was dramatic from day 3 onwards!
All he had to do was listen to the recording 2 mts long and he just couldnt believe taht he was finally able to stand up without losing balance and able to walk by himself at end of 5 days! In week's time he could shower and use toilet by himself and no longer felt like invalid!
Next session we addressed communication and drooling issues and again the change was dramatic!
His children who were skeptical have been profuse in their gratitude and the gentleman and his wife have been very vocal about my work to others still suffering!
Their only regret is why did they not contact me sooner!
If you or someone you love has tried everything and need to heal from root cause(only way real healing works), if you are looking for simple, lasting solution to your health issues and most importantly if you are ready to heal on all levels, to know the truth and expand your whole being, please reach out I am here to serve!