11 year old-been to hospital 22 times-allergic since baby to almost everything-low energy-always sick and constant cough-can not spend time outdoors without eyes swelling and nose blocking up-cannot function without steroids/antibiotics which do not seem to be working anymore!
This was my brief! Emily had tried a lot in 11 years. She was almost in tears when she told me how her beautiful boy had never played any outdoor sport and was scared to get excited or exuberant lest the constant cough become worse and he ended up in hospital again!
She had been to a highly recommended Naturopath and had a wonderful doctor. She had even tried energy healing/Kinesiology but nothing seemed to help and she was frankly tired of limiting diet and constant tests.
Having been down this path with my own son when he was 8, I completely understood her pain! All I wanted as a mum was to understand WHY my son had allergies, PROMISE it will go away and ASSURANCE it will not come back!
No one could offer that! So thats what I do for my clients!
I have refused to work with many clients who think I can only help them by seeing their kids and having their issues discussed in front of them! I don't do that as talking about their issues in front of children creates trauma and belief that something is wrong with them and someone else needs to fix them! All I am doing is clearing whats blocking their own innate healing power, not "fixing" them!
Who believe that road to regaining health has to be long and drawn out and if not medications, I must prescribe some herbs/supplements/vitamins! Who are trained to think restrictions and limitations are needed! My work is simple, quick and liberating! I don't rely on externals and want the same for my clients so they can heal themselves from within!
Who believe multiple sessions are required to maintain well being! When I started working I offered money back guarantee if they did not feel any changes in 1-3 sessions and NOT ONE client ever asked for a refund!
If you or someone you love is ready to go beyond the limitations and discover lasting wellbeing, please reach out!! I am here to serve!