A 14 year old girl went shopping on her birthday and slipped while getting off the escalator! Bumped her belly at the edge of the support bar but did not think much in the excitement of the day!
During the evening though she asked her mum to give her some pain relief and overnight the pain became unbearable so they had to rush to emergency!
A ruptured pancreatic duct was the diagnosis, along with pain there was huge swelling of upper abdomen! IV tubes for antibiotics, painkillers were attached to the child!
Within 3 days they had changed 4 different medication combos as the girl's body was breaking out in rash!
Anti duty steroids and anti histamins were added to the mix and yet pain, rashes and swelling remained!
Poor child could not hold water or food down and was fading away! More IV tubes were inserted! More rashes as her body reacted!
The mum reached out to me on day 7 to help clear rashes! They were draining fluids but they were building up again quickly! The liquid was getting into her lungs!
I work from the root so rather than just helping clear rashes (which were clearly caused by all the strong medications) was not the solution!
I asked the mom why she was in hospital and the mum explained the situation how it was very tricky to perform a surgery to fix the broken duct! They were simply waiting for spontaneous healing which could take few weeks or months and in the meantime all they could do was pain management!
I worked closely with the mum and we did 5 sessions over 11 days!
Within 3 days rashes cleared and pain was gone! By day 5 she could sit up and eat! Day 7 she could walk and finally doctors agreed to lower the dose of medications!
Day 11 the child was getting restless as she felt fine and yet was restricted! She was missing school and her friends, her pets and even her homework!
The doctors relented and tested again! The duct has indeed healed!
The child was allowed to leave the hospital! No more meds were needed though doctors cautioned they could be complications and better be prepared!
Its been 3 months since!
The father was very hesitant and did not want to do any of this "nonsense" but is now glad that mum went ahead!
They have their girl back -healthy and happy and reported two side effects of work we did!
The girl has clear skin now! Her acne cleared up! She is eating healthier and making better choices!
The work I do is easy, simple and holistic! It doesn't just heal one aspect of you- you are transformed on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels!
I understand this simplicity is not everyone's cup of tea! Some people do not understand or believe how easy real healing is! Nor does everyone get how infinitely complex and integrated we are with various facets that make us who we are!
There are many who get it though and as always I am very grateful to serve them!