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Writer's pictureKajal Thaker

Knee surgery- cancelled after a healing session

In past one month I have had 6 different clients of various ages from around the world with knee pain,3 with neck and shoulder pain, 4 with back pain, 5 with debilitating migraines!

Surgery, repeated physiotherapy, chiropractic, massage, accupressure, yoga, natural therapies, sprays, creams, herbs, so much more- yet none of it seemed to have worked including surgery!

I was last resort for most of them-many of them just wanted the pain to become manageable, if not go away!

All this clients had different life stories and unique root cause for their pain and as soon as we identified and addressed that root, clients became pain free and no other external treatment was needed!

My healing work is THAT simple and it is THAT effective!

Surgery is NOT the answer, it is a trauma and recovery time is often painful and any respite is usually short lived!

When body is in pain, it is trying to tell you something but most if us are too busy in their head, in their lives!

But once I help my clients listen to their body, pain simply melts away!

We address the issue from all aspect -physical, mental, emotional and often in just 1-3 sessions my clients are able to live without pain, without constant agony!

No changes to your lifestyle, no going out to buy expensive or obscure medicines/supplements/vitamins/herbs, no XRAY or tests needed, no need to drive up and come in for appointments, no numbing painkillers or creams, no poking prodding or any dramas at all!

Just a simple phone call and personalised healing recording to listen to!!

If you or someone you love is in pain and has tried everything else or wants to try the simplest, most effective way first-please reach out! I am here to serve:)

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