Many of my clients are Doctors, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Naturopaths, Bio Resonance therapists, Reiki Masters, Ayurevdic practitioners, Chiropractors and practice other healing modalities! Most live interstate or overseas and I have never seen or met them!
Often their children or parents are suffering and they have tried all they know and all that is available in mainstream world!
They truly believed that taking meds or prescribed drugs or herbs, supplements, certain lifestyle or diet is enough to stay well or get well!
I was like that too! Coming from Science, Psychology and Information Technology background, over the last 9 years I have realised we are not just physical being and wellness lies within, cannot be acquired from outside!
I too have studied various healing modalities-over 18 at the last count! All are amazing but I am impatient and always want to speed things up! Thats why I came up with my own Unique way to heal- my modality BioPsychEnergetics!
For most of my clients, especially the ones with qualifications and healing abilities, I always come at the end!
When what they know has been tried and it doesn't work, they find me and together we find the root cause! Its rarely physical and cannot be measured or mapped!
They are often shocked at how quick and lasting the results are! I too was shocked when I first began to be honest!;-)
Within 1-3 session, in most times, the symptoms are resolved and not just physical, mental or emotional issue disappear but there is a sense of empowerment and wellness as now they know what caused this issue and what they can do if it happens again!
Thats crux of my work-EMPOWEREMENT!
My work is not about elimination or dependency or restrictions!
My work is about growth, knowledge and independence!
If you or someone you love has allergies, chronic pain, autoimmune conditions, digestive, hormonal or other physical, mental or mental issues, please reach out! I am here to serve!