My work is not ALL laughs! I accept that!
As I work with people in pain! emotional, mental or physical pain, its usually at the end of the session that we sometimes laugh together once all that is resolved!
But this one time I was laughing out LOUD right at the start of the call!
Back in May this year, the client had sent me a really long messages asking me to help her son! A 24 year old who wanted to move out!
She was heartbroken and not ready for him to leave! She wanted me to help him with his anger and anxiety! He was seeing psychologist for years but it was getting worse she said!
I responded saying as he was an adult I can only help him if he wants but she insisted he won't listen and asked if I could do it via her!
I said no thats not right but I could help her if she wanted!
As a single mum who had gone through lot of struggle and IVF to conceive and raise her boy, I felt for her and yet I was firm that I cannot "help" without his permission and participation!
We did our session! She really felt a shift and straightaway signed up for the Step into Power journey I was guiding 12 women through! We were already in week 2 but she was very keen!
She experienced lots of shifts as part of the journey and as she heard recording of our private session!
One HUGE shift was buying an amazing property almost without thinking and on the spot!
As we ended that 6 week journey she booked in another session! When we connected she did not have anything specific, she was a in a good place she said so we did a silent healing session to raise her consciousness!
She REALLY felt that even she was parked in a public space with trucks going past her!
Early this month she booked in another session and as soon as I asked what can I help with-she says how do I get my son to move out?!
I JUST LAUGHED LOUDLY! So did she! She had TRULY stepped into her POWER!
She can finally see her self not as a victim, a burn out, dejected mum but this amazing giving loving women with her whole life unfolding and synchronicities to help her renovate and rebuild her new space!
I am so proud of her and really grateful to have been part of her healing journey!
Sometimes we get so caught up in our problems that we simply cannot see how powerful and capable we are!
Whether that problem is physical or mental health issue, behaviour or relationship drama, feeling of lack and missing out or undeserving, unworthy, my job is to reconnect you to the wellness and vitality, opportunities and abundance, your own unique personal power!
I love my work and would love to share a laugh with you! Please reach out when ready, I am here to serve!