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Writer's pictureKajal Thaker

"Miracle" healing

Last 2 years have been devastating for most families who live continents apart!

This lovely client was in tears when she contacted me late at night!

Her mom who lives alone by herself overseas had a fall and was found with brain bleed and severe concussion after almost 8 hours!

Hospital had tried all they could and there was nothing more to be done!

Due to lockdowns the daughter could not travel without permission and precious time was ticking by!

I usually do not work with clients without their permission but I could feel her pain! My mom lives abroad too all alone and when she was breathless and sick with co vid, I was glad to be able to help her with my work all the way from here!

I agreed to give Reiki and as soon as I connected to her energy I felt she was not ready to leave!

So I decided to do another session next morning using my own modality BioPsychEnergetics!

I did all I could in that one session, just like I do for all my clients! I provide an audio recording of healing so each time they listen they can take in more, rather than being overwhelmed by trying to take it all in at once!

Challenge was she was in coma in ICU so no one could play the recording for her!

So with daughter's permission we did the multiple session over next few days and next I heard was the mother was out of ICU and was healing much more quickly than expected!

Whole medical staff was surprised! No surgery was needed and wound healed completely with no damage to optical nerve which they had anticipated and all cognitive faculties were intact!

I have been humbled to witness and facilitate many such "miracles" in past 3 years with my work! And each time I am thankful that this is what my soul's purpose is!

Simplicity and ease of my work is what shocks many people, since most of us have been conditioned to do things the hard way!

We believe to get real results we need to physically go somewhere, subject ourselves to invasive and expensive tests, buy and consume medications that often have long term side effects, and its worth it to feel better in that moment!

When ready to witness a "miracle" for you or your loved one, please reach out! I am. here to serve!

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