Why do we believe everything "good" has to be "hard"?!
Or health can only come through restriction, denial or from bottle?
Why do we change our ways when someone tells us its good for us rather than choosing what feels right?
How do we feel when life becomes tedious, narrow and we live with guilt and fear around "missing a routine" (medication/supplement/exercise) or "indulging our cravings"?!
I have no ego and do not think I can tell client what to do, what to eat or what they are doing "wrong"!
I CAN'T CHANGE anyone!
All I do in my work (which is simple, easy and very very effective) is allow that change, that shift to come from deep within so you start attracting and choosing what is good for you, with ease, grace and joy!
And that is WHY my clients get lasting results that keep growing long after we have finished our work together!
I do NOT restrict myself or them! I do not do just one thing at a time, one thing in a session! I bring in as much as I can and my clients take it all in as and when they are ready and as much as they can take in at their pace!
If you are ready for these profound shifts, to align to your highest timeline in 2024, like clients below have experienced, please reach out! I am here to serve!:)
"I just completed a full body detox program with Kajal and the things and subjects that Kajal is bringing in these healing sessions are ALL the things you CAN, and CANNOT think of! Sometimes when I listen to a session at night and fall asleep - I know the next day that I have been processing things by - let's say 'somewhat unusual ' dreams haha. I feel overall so much lighter, healthy and clear-minded Keep doing what you do best Kajal Thank you" -Denise W from Netherlands
"In 2023 I did the Whole Body Detox course, which spanned over 6 weeks and addressed different chakras and energy centres. Most recently I did the Step Into Your Power - BioPsycheEnergetics course, another 6 week course. Her healings are easy to do, and involve a commitment of 20-30 mins each day afterward to listen to the recording and help the healing to really anchor. Each healing has had a noticeable affect on me, correcting the issue at hand, the first was so profound, that's how I knew Kajal was gifted. Reiki is a wonderful skill for anyone to have and Kajal ran the course in a relaxed and informative manner. It was a lovely day meeting nice like minded people. The Immunity / Vaccine shedding healing is very effective at minimising and removing cold and flu symptoms quickly. It is your healing to use anytime you need it for I think 2-3 months until expiry. With the Whole Body Detox course I felt genuinely healthier and more inclined to stay away from things that would not benefit me, ie. alcohol, processed food, bad situations. With the Step Into Your Power course completed June 23, I feel very calm and clear, capable of achieving alot, very positive in attitude. Some days I feel like I am on fire!! My husband did this course also and he feels a noticeable change also for the positive. Our team work has improved markedly too! I used to be a nurse for many years and operated within the medical paradigm, but as I have personally grown this energetic healing appeals to me a great deal more. I'm so glad I have found an incredible gifted healer like Kajal. I have recently been able to come off Thyroid medication and am feeling strong and healthy with very good energy, I believe this is due to all the healing work I have done with Kajal. I have had improvement in lower back pain, a wiping of all nerves to do with public speaking (it used to be a hurdle I had to overcome each time), a removal of feelings of intense jealousy, it's just not even a thing anymore, and inherited a clarity that enables me to churn through tasks that I used to think were too hard, I would be negative about them or put them off. I highly recommend Kajal for private healing sessions and her short courses also. The Whole Body Detox course was amazing and dealt with parasites and fungus and heavy metals .. all sorts of things that should not be in our bodies. The Step Into Your Power course totally built on this, increasing our connection with the divine and our own inner guidance, I feel like I have been upgraded as a human! I had some beautiful visualisations during this course. I highly recommend both of these courses. I hope more and more people can benefit from Kajal's gifts, it will help humanity so much. Thanks Kajal for being a beautiful person and an AMAZING healer and dedicating yourself to this very important work. I am so grateful to you for my much improved health and vitality! XXX" -Gabby H from Australia