Usually when I work with a client on a physical issue, they inform me of various herbs/ supplements/ vitamins or medications they are on!
Often I am SHOCKED by how many pills and tonics they consume!
My question to them -Do you eat well?! If not, start!
If yes - WHY do you NEED all this external stuff?! Why is your body NOT absorbing, retaining, synthesising, assimilating the nutrients from the food you eat?!
Thats my approach-to help client's body to do what it is designed to do!
I have anaemic clients who eat meat 5 times a week and have complications from repeated iron infusions! I have felt client's body recoil every time they open a packet or bottle of medication-feeling rejected and defeated!
Some clients systems are so clogged up, having to work hard trying to shed ALL the heavy dense nutrients that are put in every day, instead of doing normal day to day function!
Don't get me wrong, there are times when our body needs support but do we really need to keep taking stuff from bottles all the time to feel well?!
If you break a leg, ofcourse you will need a crutch but if you keep using the crutches, how will you leg heal?! And what happens when you go somewhere and your crutch breaks and no crutch is available?!
Imagine a small seedling! Its looking a bit off so you sprinkle some bone and blood, fertiliser, manure, soda ash or whatever it is that it needs!
And voila!! The plant looks good!
So now you keep dumping a truckload of the remedy on it everyday?!!
No-Once the issue is fixed our bodies, just like the plant, should be able to maintain its well being, with occasional help once in a while when needed!
But we are certainly not doing any favours by consuming all these concentrated, synthetic heavy chemicals every single day for the rest of our lives!
Yes I know we have been told our soil lacks nutrients, so we need to replenish that by taking pills!
Yet if a plant can grow and produce fruits, grains, seeds in that soil, how does it extract nutrients it needs to do that?!
Many are now aware of how Doctors are incentivised to prescribe certain Pharmaceutical drugs!
If you look closely many of the same pharmaceuticals now are into wellness business and own most of the "natural" supplement companies!
Chances are media and alternative practitioners are offered same incentives to push these new "wellness drugs"!
My job id to help my client clear whatever is preventing their body from being healthy and vibrant-in mind body and spirit! I do not sell ANYTHING! My job is to empower you, not make you dependent one me or anything else!
So if you are tired of taking pills and spending all that money, and are ready to trust your body, please reach out I am here to serve!