Imagine a 6 month old baby! Now Imagine him/her in a cast! A brace all around his/her body for 23 hours a day for 7 years!!
Jordan was diagnosed with Scoliosis at age of 6 months! His back curvature was out of alignment by 24 degrees!He is 7 now!
I was heartbroken to hear that after 7 years of torture of wearing that cast 23 hours a day and it actually worsened by 6 degrees, off by 30 degrees and they now wanted to do surgery and insert rods!
His mom Angelique came to my yoga class two years back and than for a private healing session, than my Reiki Level 1 course and than last month she asked me if I could heal scoliosis!
I said if you believe me and trust me, we can do it!
I said we may need more than one session! I was wrong!
We did the session-I spoke on phone to Angelique to get details, recorded the session and sent it for Jordan to listen for a month!
One month later I get text on my phone saying "Wow wow !!! Down from 24 degrees to 5 degrees today!!!!!"
Since we are going through a cold patch here in Brisbane I thought she meant the weather so I responded back-"I just taught yoga in park in ten degrees 🙂"
And than this Xray pic downloaded and penny dropped! Jordan's spine curvature had shifted from 25 degrees to 5 degrees in just a month!
No chiropractor, physiotherapy, surgery, touch, massage, exercise, medication or anything like that! Not even seeing him or touching him!
I have done energetic surgery before for many clients with lower back, shoulder, knee, hip issues and more!
I found out I could do, two years ago, this when my mom back in India needed surgery for prolapsed uterus and couldn't get one due to severe restrictions during the pandemic emergency!
We sit down on the floor a lot in India and she couldn't do that without feeling her uterus would pop out!
So she asked me for help and I said the same-If you believe and trust me, lets do it!:)
I am deeply humbled, amazed and forever grateful for the opportunity to help people!
Thanks you so much for your trust Angelique and taking the time to leave. review along with the XRay! Much appreciated!:)