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Writer's pictureKajal Thaker

Stage 4 Cancer and MIRACLE healing

"How do you feel when people come to you as Last Resort?"

A client asked me this after she "recovered" from stage 4 cancer, after being given weeks to live!

She was very weak when she first contacted me!

Our session was over phone and she was grateful that she did not have to get someone to drive her or sit in waiting area!

She did not have to change her diet or lifestyle or go out and buy expensive vitamins or herbs!

She did not have to go for any intrusive or costly tests!

All we did was talk on phone!

I asked her how that felt! She said amazing and so simple!

Thats my work-its simple, it has no drama, it releases trauma not create new ones by giving you stories or stress you by having to go out and buy or do or change things!

So I told the client -"Would you have believed something as simple as a phone chat would work when you were faced with such a heavy prognosis?!"

She said no!

Thats why I prefer when people come to my as last resort!

They have tried everything and know what does not work! They are READY than to invest in their own healing!

So no I do not mind being the last resort as then I know ONLY those that are TRULY ready for Miracle will find their way to me and ALLOW that miracle to happen!

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