What happens if you get on a train that is not going where you wish to go?! Would you stay on it?!
The path it’s travelling is distracting, enjoyable most times but strange, disturbing things are happening on the way and you can see it’s heading straight for disaster?!
Our children are suffering! Almost daily I help a family deal with fall out from technological addictions issues, sometimes in kids as young as two!
Most parents provide gadgets to their children as we are told the world is all about technology and kids must do everything they possibly can on screen to keep up!
But is it really what we want?! Is it worth the ease and convenience when our kids lose real life skills, connection and zest for life by spending most of their times in front of a screen?!
1 in 4 children suffer from anxiety and other mental health issues!Cancer rates across all age groups are through the roof!
All this starts when we put our children in front of screens, when we are forced to buy them iPad for education, when we allow them to do or school forces them to do all homework online, when they have no concept of cash or counting handling of money as for safety, prevent theft and loss we give them cards to use at school!
We allow all this in name of keeping up with the progress of the world rather than changing this world full of screens and technology that’s making them sick, anxious, dependant, lacking in creativity or critical thinking!
Our kids are taught to believe all they see on the screen, their research is restricted to what is available online! Their intuition is lost as they are repeatedly told to trust select few ideas that are heavily censored and shaped!
Whole school system with stickers and certificates is about fitting in and performing in limitations you are given- individuality is a hindrance!
Many countries have banned or limited wifi usage in schools - France, Belgium, Spain, Isarel, Germany being few of them!
As children we should be free to follow our heart and find out what it is that makes us happy but we put our kids under constant pressure to perform!
Learn and do things which has no meaning in life and causes untold damage to their body and psyche!
It’s time all parents come together to create a great future without screens so their kids can grow up in a world where they are free to be something other than technological slave!
Remember people who created Taj Mahal, Great Wall of China, Eiffel Tower and other wonders of the world did not have or need university degree or council approvals to build those monuments!
What they had was passion, resilience and grit! Something that is lost to the current generation!
Technology is addictive and mind numbing! Radiation is a silent invisible killer! They cause physical as well as mental, emotional and energetic issues and our kids know no other alternative!
Its upto us to show them its possible, to provide alternatives, to demand that there is an option available for those who choose to live limited or low-tech life!
Real life is for living not scrolling, typing or coding!! Lets create a world where our children can thrive, create and be happy from within!
Tech can be a tool but not a necessity! Its destroying all that matters!! It can be a support not a MUST HAVE to do every single thing-especially at schools!