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Thank you for returning my child back

Writer's picture: Kajal ThakerKajal Thaker

Few people like Labels! They are very happy once they have a "title" " A diagnostic label" A group of symptoms and descriptions of what they have!

Doesn't matter if there is no known cause or sure-fire cure! Its all wishy washy-could be this or that! Mostly genetics, stress, or things you can't control!

Well luckily there are many like me, who are not at all keen on getting stuck with names, fancy words, detailed descriptions for a physical, mental or emotional issue! Different specialists, tests, diagnosis and treatment for each!

First you are not a separate body, an isolated mind and detached emotions! ALL THESE TOGETHER make YOU, YOU!!

This mum was not happy when two separate Psychologists wanted to label her happy, healthy 4-year-old with ADHD label and put him on medication for life! Meds that have seriously harmful side effects-short and long term!

Over period of 8 months the child has suddenly lapsed in his development-lost speech, focus and co-ordination, started screeching and throwing tantrums!

From gentle, loving, curious child who loved learning and people, he had started hitting, biting, kicking others!

She changed 3 institutions, but the teachers kept pushing for diagnosis and then insisted on medications!

Before she saw me, she had seen other natural practitioners, drastically changed diet, introduced vitamins and did lots of tests for parasites, mineral deficiency, allergies and lots more! She tried behavior treatments, kinesiology, homeopathy, naturopathy and got nowhere after almost a year of trying!

Her marriage fell apart under this stress and as single parent she gave in and started "mild" dose of medication against her better judgement!

Immediately child turned docile but started having sleep disruptions, developed digestive issues and mum felt as if the light had been switched off from his eyes! He was like a robot going through motions!

She found me and my work and decided to take a chance! She had already spent a lot of money and had to spend a lot more with the ADHD tag!

Though she had funding she was always on waitlists and the support she received did not seem on make any lasting change! Plus she was looking at months, possibly years of ongoing treatments!

We did a session over phone! As I do not see children, all I needed was 15-20 mts chat with her!

I emailed her the recording, a short 2 mt audio! Child heard it, there was resistance! Things seemed worse for a day or two, I asked mum to persist!

After a week mum shared that there was a HUGE shift! He was sleeping better, eating without fuss, was focused, engaged and pleasure to have in classroom as he had reverted back to his curious, helpful, friendly self!

I have heard from so many mums-Thank you for bringing my child back-but it still moves me EVERY SINGLE TIME!!

I love helping children without traumatizing them without dragging them to visit strangers, because that's what practitioner/specialists are!

Without subjecting them to intrusive tests or tricking/forcing them to take pills/meds that cause more damage than do good or restricting their diets if they are already moderate and healthy!

I do not believe in teaching them fear or give their power away or live with dependency!

All I do is connect to their energy with parent's permission and clear what needs clearing!

Most need just 1-3 session to rediscover their own health and vitality! And shed that label!

If you or someone you love needs a hand, please reach out! I am here to serve!:)



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