I have two kinds of clients!
One who just go straight to medical professional for any symptoms and do whatever they are asked to do-any tests medications surgery etc no questions!
One who will research in minutest detail and follow a strict roster of regular naturopaths, functional medicine specialists appointments, latest testing, up to date consumption of super foods, taking wide array of supplements, religious chiropractic/ acupressure/Reiki/ kinesiology on weekly or monthly basis!
Some who are doctors, psychologists, specialist who know that their or their loved one's condition cannot be cured or treated with modern medications and are well aware of short long term damage it causes!
Some who are healers themselves and use the fancy frequency/scanning/ resonance machines but cannot seem to help themselves or their loved ones!
Ones who are very in tune with their bodies and ones who have no idea what their body has been trying to convey!
Some who just go with flow not caring at all about what they eat or when they sleep, whether they move their bodies!
Others who lead a highly regimented life with strict diets, fixed exercise quota and sleep schedule!
No judgement! Just observing with curiosity!
They all find me as they are still suffering- no amount of pill popping, following instructions of professionals, rigid restrictions have made much or lasting difference!
At the end of 1-3 sessions with me, they ALL get the EXACT SAME results!!
Miraculously they can find light at end of tunnel after months, years of suffering!!
We are energy! That spark that animates every cell in our body, that fuels our physical, mental, emotional bodies!
At that’s the level I work at! Simply energetic healing- no tests, medication, supplement, lifestyle or diet change!
No rigidity, restrictions, denial or punishing your bodies!
No touching, no coming in to see me(unless you wish) no drama at all! Nothing artificial or superficial or dramatic about my work!
Simply addressing the energetic cause so everything else just follows and falls into place!
Many are surprised at how our 1-3 session not just changes them but changes things and people around them!
New opportunity, new synchronicities start to happen! They make new choices, build new relationships- especially with themselves, their own bodies!
Miracles are possible and wherever you are on your journey to wellness if you need a hand, please reach out! I am here to serve! #miracleshappen #energyhealing #energyhealer #holistichealth #holistichealing #intuitivehealer