Would you wrap your kids and yourself in plastic for 6-8 hours everyday?! How would you feel when you realise you have been releasing microfibres of plastic into our waterways and oceans every time you wash your clothes?! This is exactly what happens when we wear fabrics like Lycra polyester and nylon! And guess what? Almost all our kids school and sporting uniforms are made of easy to care polyester and nylon! Most of our workout clothes are made of stretchy clingy Lycra! I was shocked to the core that these materials are made of plastic and leech plastic into waterways at shocking rates each time we wash them! Imagine our kids and us sweating, opening our pores and trying to detox while breathing/taking in the toxins from these materials that NEVER stop polluting or being toxic! I teach yoga and Bollywood dance and haven’t bought new stuff in over 15 years as I am anti waste! So I have been consciously wearing second hand cotton or bamboo clothing! But it’s so hard when it comes to kids school and sports stuff! As an intuitive energy healer I have often worked with clients who have skin issues like allergies eczema psoarisis triggered by these unnatural fabrics that cause ongoing damage to our bodies, our delicate and crucial endocrine systems and our environment! Try a Cora ball or any other equipment that catches the microfibres as you wash these “easy to maintain” clothing items and I promise you will be shocked! And imagine these being released into environment each time everyone of us washes our clothes in just one street, let alone whole suburb or city or country! I will be clearing damage this has done to our bodies and way it’s disturbed our endocrine system and lots more in my upcoming healing journey starting 7 October! Please join us if you feel called!
This healing journey is for those who are struggling with a various Glandular and Hormone related health problems….from thyroid dysfunction to adrenal fatigue to digestive issues….
If you are struggling with *fatigue, feeling run down, weakness, *reproductive disorders like PCOS, PMS, Endometriosis *sweating, intolerance to cold * memory loss, brain fog, * weight and digestive issues, * Goiter, * hair fall , * depression, * heart beat irregularities, * swelling, * difficulty sleeping, * skin disorders, * Hormone imbalance Please know that these are just a few of the signs of dysfunction in one or more of your endocrine glands.
Often this imbalane is not picked up in tests till things get extreme!
So if you suffer from any of these or have already been diagnosed with an imbalance, are tired of or suffering from side effects of life long medications that do not "cure" or "fix" the issue, please join us!
Starts this Saturday!
No need to talk, share or attend live!
Cost $599 (Less $100 for those who have worked with me before)
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